The US must build more nuclear power plants in the US to grown the supply chains, train people, and get credibility with potential customers in foreign countries.

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True. And it's not too soon for better diplomacy and lining up future financing. Rosatum is already ready.

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Really interesting piece Todd. Agree that excluding a clean and reliable source of energy doesn't make sense unless it's driven by concerns over dual use and the WB not wanting to accidentally fund military applications?

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The Bank has no specific concerns beyond the ideological preferences of a small handful of shareholders. If they did, they’d engage on those issues.

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Why would any other country trust the US to not use a program as leverage now? I.e. withhold fuel supply, etc as a form of coercion?

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Good point. For me the main difference is that the Russian companies are all state-owned and explicit tools of Russian state power. I suppose that the US gov could crack down on NuScale, Oklo, etc but they are private firms with no reason to kill their own client base. But bigger point taken given recent events.

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