And poisonous radioactive problems that come with it, but gets ignored by big biz centralized power conglomerates, great for fancy engineers to find a well paid job!

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You mean more subsidies to make it look good, I am talking about cost over lifetime and LOE.

Geothermal is so much cheaper, floating solar is so much cheaper, and quicker to get online!

Why bother with the long timeline, we need green power now!

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And don't come back with hydrogen please, it also is a dead end!

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And I can cite many infamous black holes where massive losses resulted due to enormous cost overruns, delays, shutdowns but my real point is there many other electric generating tech that is more cost effective faster to get on stream, and no long term radiation disposal, that is a real hot potato!

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You did not mention the downstream costs of decommissioning, nor the glaringly high upfront costs of nuclear, or the endless delays, cost over runs and repairs and thus the low availability.

Wind and solar may need battery backup, but nuclear in Canada has been a lackluster story of long shutdowns to replace piping deep inside concrete...

Nuclear will never compete on price, either!

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